
Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, Learning Disorders, Emotional Concerns, and many more


There are many reasons parents seek testing for their children. School may no longer be enjoyable for your child as they struggle to keep up with the work. Your child may be getting in trouble in school and you’re not sure if it’s due to a learning disability or difficulty paying attention. Maybe you’re wondering whether your child is gifted and is not being challenged enough. You’ve noticed your child is not doing well on tests and they have expressed that they are feeling nervous while at school. The list extends beyond these examples. 

Here at Integrated Behavioral Health, we offer brief and comprehensive assessments for a variety of concerns including dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, ADHD, gifted, executive functioning, as well as mood concerns.

The process for testing is similar although the specific tests vary from child to child.
Intake: Each evaluation begins with a thorough parent interview to better understand the specific needs of your child.
Child Testing: Testing usually occurs over 2 half days or 1 full day depending on the depth of testing needed.
Additional Measures Gathered: Clinical questionnaires will be completed by parents and teachers to better understand concerns across the home and school setting.
Parent Feedback: Feedback on the results of the testing as well as possible diagnoses will be provided during a parent only feedback session.
Comprehensive Report: A report will be given to you that outlines all of the information collected, diagnoses, as well as treatment recommendations for home and school. This report can be shared with your child's school and other relevant individuals (e.g., pediatrician).

Please schedule a 15-minute consultation or call us at 720-856-0400 to discuss whether testing would be appropriate for your child.

Types of Assessment

An ASD evaluation, conducted by a psychologist specialized in Autism Spectrum Disorder, is a comprehensive assessment designed to gain a deeper understanding of your child's development, behaviors, and unique strengths. During this process, the psychologist will use various tools and techniques to observe and interact with your child, as well as gather information from parents, teachers, and other caregivers.

The evaluation typically involves:

  1. Interviews: The psychologist will meet with you to discuss your child's developmental history, including milestones, behaviors, and any concerns you may have. They may also gather information from teachers or other professionals who work with your child.

  2. Observation: The psychologist will observe your child in various settings, such as during structured activities, free play, or social interactions. This allows them to assess your child's communication skills, social interactions, and repetitive behaviors, which are key characteristics of ASD.

  3. Standardized Assessments: Your child may undergo standardized tests or questionnaires to assess their cognitive abilities, language skills, and adaptive functioning. These assessments help to identify any areas of strength or weakness that may be relevant to an ASD diagnosis.

  4. Behavioral Analysis: The psychologist will analyze your child's behaviors, interests, and sensory sensitivities to further understand their unique profile and how it aligns with the criteria for ASD.

  5. Feedback and Recommendations: Once the evaluation is complete, the psychologist will provide you with detailed feedback about their findings, including whether or not your child meets the criteria for an ASD diagnosis. They will also offer recommendations for interventions, therapies, and support services tailored to your child's needs.

Overall, an ASD evaluation is a collaborative process aimed at providing clarity and guidance for parents, helping them better understand their child's strengths and challenges, and empowering them to make informed decisions about their child's care and development.

Ensuring the well-being of your child is paramount, especially when facing challenges like Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). A thorough assessment with a psychologist is a crucial step in understanding and managing ADHD effectively. Through specialized evaluation techniques, a psychologist can provide valuable insights into your child's cognitive, emotional, and behavioral patterns, helping to pinpoint areas of difficulty and strength. With this knowledge, personalized strategies and interventions can be developed to support your child's academic, social, and emotional success. Collaborating with a psychologist for an ADHD assessment empowers parents with the information and resources needed to help their child thrive, fostering a brighter and more fulfilling future.

Here at Integrated Behavioral Health we offer both brief and more comprehensive testing for ADHD. Brief testing includes a thorough parent and child interview and parent and teacher questionnaires of attention and executive functioning. A more comprehensive assessment includes cognitive testing (IQ), academic achievement, and assessment of areas of learning that are of particular concern (e.g., reading) in addition to the assessments included in the brief format.
A learning disability assessment with a psychologist offers invaluable insights into your child's strengths and challenges.Depending on your child's specific concerns, testing could include a wide range of assessments including cognitive testing (IQ), academic achievement, reading skills, math skills, executive functioning, parent and teacher questionnaires, and classroom observation. Through comprehensive evaluation, the psychologist can identify specific learning difficulties and provide tailored recommendations to support your child's learning journey. This assessment process is a proactive step towards empowering your child with the tools and strategies they need to thrive in school and beyond. By working closely with a psychologist, you can gain a deeper understanding of your child's abilities and unlock their full potential.
Many schools require cognitive testing (IQ) for admission to their school or maybe you are wanting your child to stay at the same school but receive an enhanced curriculum. Here at Integrated Behavioral Health, we complete school entry and gifted evaluations. Different schools have different entry requirements. For instance, some schools only require a cognitive test (IQ); whereas, other schools require cognitive testing as well as a standardized test of academic achievement. Your specific needs will be discussed and accommodated.


Comprehensive Evaluations:
The cost of an evaluation for a learning disability, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) ranges from $750-$4200 depending on the depth of testing required.

Gifted/School Entry:

The costs of gifted and school entry assessment vary depending on the particular school’s requirements. Prices range from $600 for a cognitive test (IQ) only to $1350 for more in-depth evaluation of cognitive (IQ) and academic achievement.

The cost of the assessment will be discussed before you agree to testing.

Courtney Lynn, PhD

Schedule Your Free Consultation

If you are ready to chat, you can easily schedule your consultation by clicking below and securing a no-cost call. You can also call us directly at: 720-856-0400

Integrated Behavioral Health

Phone: 720-856-0400


Address: 1120 Delaware St. Suite 110, Denver, CO 80204

Hours: M-F 8am-8pm